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He was replying to a question on whether there are problems because of some public sector banks granting loans to influential persons because of their connections. "I think we are a recovering economy and when you talk about structural reforms, we have seen a playout in the past few days. "My sense is we can do a lot without actually going to the point of privatisation. At this point, the real issue is for most of these banks clean up their balance sheets without it is hard to imagine a private investor coming in without clean balance sheet. It is not that there are acres of real estate that are unoccupiable.  
Rajan said there are some bad news, but the Indian economy was getting stronger. Asked about bad loan problem in India being bigger than the size of New Zealand's USD 170 billion economy and whether there was risk of a banking crisis, Rajan said, "I do not think it's that big. There is also absolutely no chance there will be a Lehman moment. Second, many of bad assets are in public sector banks and the government fully guarantees them.. Answering China 0.15-1.5MM CLEAR AND TRANSPARENT PET PLASTIC SHEET FOR THEROFORMING Suppliers questions on the economy, Rajan said lot of structural reforms have taken place and the nation's economy is on the path of recovery. "
It is about ensuring that the assets are cleaned up and investors have a good idea of the balance sheets of the bank and that process is under way and some banks have cleaned up much faster than the pace that we had set for them," he said. "So, there is absolutely no chance they will fail.and that process is under way and some banks have cleaned up much faster than the pace that we had set for them," he added. you see more green shoots. There are big projects. It's actually a power plant that can produce power and India is a growing economy that needs power. It is a wholesale problem. Admitting that the banking sector is under stress in India, Rajan said, "Ours is not a retail problem.. "What we need to do is restructure the debt for some of these projects, put them back on track.. "

Posté le 10/09/2020 à 02:46 par wetananturer

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