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That wasn’t the case at one recent pup-up” pet store in New York City. Before pooches were unleashed on the inventory at BarkShop Live, they were suited up in digitally-enabled vests.The experimental pop-up site opened in Manhattan earlier this month, and for one-week dog owners were able to buy tickets to take their pets on a truly unique shopping spree. The special gear was designed to read RFID PP/POLYPROPYLENE SHEET FOR THEROFORMING Suppliers  tags embedded in toys throughout the store.There’s still no word on whether Bark & Co has plans to set up a permanent shop or make their canine shopping vests available commercially.The online pet supply company Bark & Co recently tested a brick-and-mortar shop where dogs were free to pick out their own productsThere are plenty of tricks you can use to decipher your dog’s physical cues, but until Fido learns to speak your language, toy shopping is a guessing game. And canine shoppers didn’t need to worry about carrying their own bags home: After checkout time the swag was delivered straight to their doors.. Until then, owners can assume that a quickly-destroyed toy is a successful purchase.When a dog spent time playing with one particular toy, that product was recorded for owners to see through an app and order later. As Creativity Online reports, the online pet supply company Bark & Co recently tested a brick-and-mortar shop where dogs were free to pick out their own products.

Posté le 26/11/2020 à 04:41 par wetananturer

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In other words, even if the dog had been given away for adoption just before the woman gave birth, the healthy microbiome exchange could still take place.Its far too early to predict how this finding will play out in the future, but Kozyrskyj doesnt rule out the concept of a "dog in a pill" as a preventive tool for allergies and obesity. The study appears in the journal Microbiome.The study suggested that the presence of pets in the house reduced the likelihood of the transmission of vaginal GBS (group B Strep) during birth, which causes pneumonia in newborns and is prevented by giving mothers antibiotics during delivery. But dont rush out to adopt a furry friend just yet."The abundance of these two bacteria were increased twofold when there was a pet in the house," said Kozyrskyj, adding that the pet exposure was shown to affect the gut microbiome indirectly--from dog to mother to unborn baby--during pregnancy as well as during the first three months of the babys life.The study also showed that the immunity-boosting exchange occurred even in three birth scenarios known for reducing immunity, as shown in Kozyrskyjs previous work: C-section versus vaginal delivery, antibiotics during birth and lack of breastfeeding.The latest findings from Kozyrskyj and her teams work on fecal samples collected from infants registered in the Canadian Healthy Infant Longitudinal Development study build on two decades of research that show children who grow up with dogs have lower rates of asthma.Washington: You may want to gift a dog to your baby as a recent study has suggested that a pet early in life may alter gut bacteria in immune-boosting ways.The University of Alberta study showed that babies from families with pets--70 per cent of which were dogs--showed higher levels of two types of microbes associated with lower risks of allergic disease and obesity."Theres definitely a critical window of time when gut immunity and microbes co-develop, and when disruptions to the process result in changes to gut immunity," said pediatric epidemiologist Anita Kozyrskyj.Her team of 12, including study co-author and U of A post-doctoral fellow Hein Min Tun, take the science one step closer to understanding the connection by identifying that exposure to pets in the womb or up to three months after birth increases the abundance of two bacteria, Ruminococcus and Oscillospira, which have been linked with reduced childhood allergies and obesity, respectively..The theory is that exposure to dirt and bacteria early in life--for example, in a dogs fur and on its paws--can create early immunity, though researchers arent sure whether the effect occurs from bacteria on the furry friends or from human transfer by touching the pets, said Kozyrskyj."Its not  A4 INKJET PRINTABLE GLOSSY PVC SHEET  far-fetched that the pharmaceutical industry will try to create a supplement of these microbiomes, much like was done with probiotics," she said.

Posté le 23/11/2020 à 03:50 par wetananturer

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She is also planning to file a Right to Information (RTI) inquiry along with RTI activist Anil Galgali, regarding the tenders which was passed before appointing the company, MeritTrac, for assessing the answer  Flocking Pvc Sheets Manufacturers sheets online in the On-Screen Marking system.The activist claimed that it was unfair to just send the MU’s Vice-Chancellor (V-C) Sanjay Deshmukh on a leave, when the entire mess has been initiated by him.” She also said that it made more sense to have manual assessment of papers.She alleged that politics had ruined the administration of the university. Within 10 days, the student will receive a photocopy of his or her answer sheet. “If the exam is conducted online, it makes sense to have online assessment.Talking to The Asian Age, Ms Damania said, “By obtaining the photocopies, the reality of the answer papers will be exposed. Unless and until, the high court interferes in this issue, there won’t be any pressure on the officials,” she added. “Deshmukh should have been terminated, instead he has been sent on leave, or he just left on leave, which is so easy for him. How the answer papers were assessed, how it was scanned, the manner in which the students’ answers were checked and marked, all this will come out!” A single photocopy of an answer sheets cost Rs 50, which they can pay at their college and fill a form. But if the student gave his/her examination manually, the assessment of those papers has to be assessed manually by the teachers,” she added.. “The entire exam delay matter is not being taken seriously by anyone.Mumbai: Activist Anjali Damania has requested all final year degree students of the University of Mumbai to ask for a ‘photocopy’ of their answer sheets once their results are declared so that they can understand how their papers were assessed.

Posté le 17/11/2020 à 04:27 par wetananturer

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At first glance, it looks like a charming piece of ceramic art: a casual fisherman or an emperor in miniature diorama. You can see birds fluttering in his works.. Feather artAccording to Chris Maynard, scissors and scalpels are not just meant for surgeries, but also for carving images out of feathers. In Chris’ words, he keeps the birds alive through these shed feathers. Last year she decided to start giving them away and Adil brought back several of these from Bombay to Auroville. He doesn’t paint on feathers. You can see birds fluttering in his works.Plastic graffitiWhere can you paint? In fact, you can do it anywhere you want. The texture that comes out of using clay in paint on canvas, is highly tactile and brings the two mediums I like to work with clay and paint together,Adil adds. He uses them in his current works. In Chris’ words, he keeps the birds alive through these shed feathers. “I like the colours I get on canvas with acrylic paint, which I cannot get in fired clay. And he calls the technique Cellograffiti. It’s only after you spot rugged clay, ceramic grog and swathes of glaze that you realise what’s going on. Whatever you see in his images are shades on the feathers.  
He is also planning to stage a solo show of his art works in Bengaluru in early 2019. He calls this process as painting with unfired clay. He uses scissors and scalpels to cut the feathers. Also, feathers signify scaling heights. A graffiti and contemporary artist, he sprays colours on a wrap that is tied between two trees. Made using real feathers, each piece is backed with transparent elements to keep it sturdy. Also, feathers signify scaling heights. He doesn’t paint on feathers.Plastic graffitiAccording to Chris Maynard, scissors and scalpels are not just meant for surgeries, but also for carving images out of feathers. Made using real feathers, each piece is backed with transparent elements to keep it sturdy. He uses scissors and scalpels to cut the feathers. So, they also symbolise hope and transformation. Whatever you see in his images are shades on the feathers. “I take small segments and parts of these sculptures and I weave a story out of them, building up on the found objects and weaving ceramic tales!” The large barcode, titled the Transformation Series, that he recently showed at the UB City Mall at Art Bengaluru, was a set of 21 objects, each nearly seven feet tall, spanning twenty feet across, forming an imaginary barcode. Adil will be exhibiting his recent soda-fired ceramic tableaux, Bovine Vigilante and Emperor’s New Suit, at Gallery Art and Soul, at a group show Animal, Planet, curated by Shayonti Salvi, opening in Bombay on January 12. Bovine VigilanteHe is now realising his dream of a Storybook in Clay at his studio Mandala Pottery in Auroville. He changes the location according to the mood of the image.  
These tableaux, or sometimes abstract coloured porcelain pieces, with their meticulously detailed textures and finishes may look like innocent clay exhibits. That seems to be the motto of Russian artist Evgeny Ches, who recently painted animals on plastic wraps against the backdrop of forests.“I feel sorry for the paintings that are destined to spend their lifetime as canvases hung  RIGID PVC FLOCKING SHEET FOR THEROFORMING on a wall,’’ he says. The artist and architect Adil Writer creates art that humanises the life and stories that are usually constrained to the colours on a canvas hung on a wall.Adil did not just chance upon the idea of blending ceramics, clay and colours. He has participated in two shows in Bengaluru. Born to an avid traveler and artist who specialised in oil paintings, his mother Piloo used to carry back home, ceramic pieces from all over the world. So, they also symbolise hope and transformation.

Posté le 12/11/2020 à 02:53 par wetananturer

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Earlier the opposition had opposed the arrest of Ruby Rai and had slammed the state government saying that, “students were being punished for mistakes of the system”. Earlier on June 6 the police had registered an FIR against him.“The SIT found his signatures on various documents which proved his involvement and they are also investigating his role in tampering with mark sheets,” a source said. Patna: The Special Investigation Team (SIT) on Monday arrested Bihar School Examination Board (BSEB) secretary Harihar Nath Jha in connection with the fake toppers scandal in Patna.The police arrested Jha after he was questioned by the SIT on Monday.So far around 20 persons including PS sheets manufacturers former BSEB chairman Lalkeshwar Singh, his wife Usha Sinha, Vishun Rai College Principal Bachcha Rai and humanities topper Ruby Rai have been arrested.The police said that Jha was arrested after evidences related to scam were found against him.Jha was arrested after former BSEB chiarman Lalkeshwar Singh repeatedly took his name during interrogation.
Speaking to Deccan Chronicle Prayas State Programme Director, Suresh Kumar said, “The police cannot arrest the minor. The SIT is said to have recovered answer sheets from Kaimur district which indicates his involvement in the scandal.Meanwhile, on Monday while opposing Ruby Rai’s arrest and charges levelled against her an organisation Prayas threatened to file a PIL in Patna High Court for, “keeping a minor in jail”. Police had arrested Ruby Rai after she failed in her re- examination on Saturday.Jha was arrested after the SIT found evidences which suggested that he had tampered the evaluation and answer sheets. In toppers scandal case the arrested student is a victim and minor and her rights are being violated.“Jha’s role seems vital in this case as former BSEB chairman Lalkeshwar Singh kept taking his name during interrogation,” the police said after Jha was arrested..According to highly placed sources, Harihar Nath Jha is considered one of the key persons who can uncover many hidden links related to the scandal. We will file a PIL in Patna High Court on Wednesday”.

Posté le 26/10/2020 à 02:22 par wetananturer

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